College Park will be offering Loss of a Spouse and GriefShare seminars this spring. These weekly seminars feature videos combined with small group discussion time to allow group participants to talk about the content of the seminar and about how they are dealing with the death of their loved one. Each week is a stand …
Kids Club

All Kids ages 2-5th grade are invited to join us on Sunday Evenings 6:00pm-7:30 pm for our Kids CLUB night! Kids will participate in engaging age-appropriate Bible lessons, learn and practice spiritual disciplines, and participate in fun activities. They may even have an opportunity to learn a new skill or hobby through one of our …
The Bible & Archaeology

Sunday Night Groups resume Sunday, January 12 – join Dr. Mark Fairchild in exploring The Bible & Archaeology. Recent archaeological discoveries have illuminated the Bible with artifacts and research that not only substantiate what we read in the Scriptures, but also provide us with a wealth of information on the background of the Biblical world. …
The Gospel-Centered Life

Sunday Night Groups begin on Sunday, January 12. One group will be studying “The Gospel Centered Life” by Robert H. Thune and Will Walker. Come learn how the gospel shapes every aspect of your life. Sunday evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 pm! …
Monday Night Ladies Bible Study

The Monday night ladies Bible study group will resume on Monday, January 13. They will be studying “Dwell on These Things” by Vera Schmitz and Natalie Abbott. This is an 8-session Bible study that uses Philippians 4:4-9 to teach you a simple method of memorizing God’s Word. Discover how to combat anxiety, experience the peace …
Men’s w(REC)k Nights!

Hey Men! Join us for Monday night w(REC)k nights in the FLC! We will have corn hole, darts, ping pong, putting greens, disc golf baskets and more! Open to all men high school age and up! …
Volleyball – Open Gym Nights

College Park is beginning bi-monthly volleyball open gym nights. Join us on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month from 6:30-8:30 pm. Play is co-ed for anyone aged 16 and up – but it can get competitive! The first volleyball night will be November 12. …
Sermon Series: Encounters with Jesus

Join us this Sunday, as we continue our sermon series: Encounters with Jesus. This series is a comprehensive, chronological journey through all four gospels, studying and experiencing the fullness of the life and ministry of Jesus. …
Thrive! More than Surviving Motherhood

Thrive: More than Surviving Motherhood is a program to encourage moms with kids of any age living at home to THRIVE in the God-given mission of motherhood. This free program includes speakers, video content, discussion, a great time to connect with and encourage each other, fun giveaways, coffee, and snacks! Invite your friends! Thrive meets on scheduled …